Student participation and involvement in athletics teaches cooperation, responsibility, team-work, and how to win and lose. Students who are involved tend to perform better in school and have fewer problems socially. All students who participate in sports must meet the criteria outlined in the Code of Ethics to participate.
Participation as a member of a team is a privilege. Those on teams serve as a model for all the children at school. To ensure that student athletes maintain themselves as examples to other students, we are setting the following standards which must be met if a student is to play:
Team Selections
Every effort will be made to place all students on a team. Unfortunately participation limits must be set because of limited facilities and safety factors. The following process will be used to make team selections:
*Players registering after the beginning of the season may try out for a team - but no player may be eliminated due to their selection.
Coaches' decisions on player selections are final.
All questions regarding player selection are to be referred to the head coach of the team.
Insurance Requirement
All participants are required to have verification of health insurance coverage prior to any participation in any sport. It is highly recommended that parents purchase the insurance policy offered through the school. To obtain this information, please visit this page for more information.
Concussions and Youth Sports
Parents of students who participate in youth sports (inclusive of cheerleading) need to be informed about the latest information from the medical community. The Centers for Disease Control is a great resource and has produced a concise information sheet available here – Parent/Athlete Concussion Information Sheet. For additional information, please contact the school nurse or consult the CDC website.
Picking Up Your Student-Athlete from Away Games
If you would like to pick up your student at “away” games instead of returning to Dry Creek via the school bus, you will be asked to complete an authorization form & sign your child out with the coach. For the safety of all of our students, we ask that these forms be completed when parents OR another adult pick up a student from a game. Your child can be picked up only by those adults listed on the authorization & that authorization must match the Student Release Authorization on file in the office. You may download a copy of the form here – Release to Parent After Activity.
All players are responsible for all equipment issued to them. Uniforms are to be worn on game days only. Players will be charged for the loss or destruction of equipment or uniforms.
Transportation to Games and after Practice
Clovis Unified buses transport students to all games. Parental permission for participation on a team allows for permission to transport students to all team functions during the season. Transportation will be provided for bus riders after practice. Parents who wish to pick their children up at away games must sign their child out with the coach prior to leaving. Students will not released to anyone without a note or prior parent contact with the coach.
PE Excuses and Team Participation
A child will not be allowed to participate in any after-school sports programs or intramurals if they are not participating in PE due to a PE excuse. No exceptions.
Playing Time
"A" teams are competitive teams. Students who desire guaranteed playing time should elect to play on "B" and "C" teams. "B" and "C" teams are designed to teach students basic sports skills. Students on these teams are guaranteed playing time in every game.
District social media platforms exist to promote community involvement, to support student learning and staff professional development, and to enhance communication with students, families, staff and community. Users are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful, courteous, and professional manner.
Board Policy No. 1114 sets content guidelines and addresses privacy rights on District social media platforms. The complete policy is available online on our Board Policy page, and in part reads:
“Official District social media platforms may not contain content that is obscene, libelous, or so incites students as to create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts on school premises, violation of school rules, or substantial disruption of the school’s orderly operation. Staff or students who post prohibited content shall be subject to discipline in accordance with District policies and administrative regulations.”
By submitting photos, videos, and captions, you are granting CUSD permission to publish them in any manner the district deems appropriate. Your submission means you have obtained consent of all people in your photos or video and have the right to post and use such submission. The district’s social media sites are not intended as a limited public forum or otherwise guarantee an individual’s right to free speech and comments in violation of the district’s policies can be removed.
If you find any posts objectionable or offensive, please contact the administrator at